Our schools
Senior high school
After three years of junior high school (JHS) , the next step for students in Ghana is to attend senior high school (SHS). When our first cohort of graduates reached this stage in 2018, we knew once again that we had to keep supporting them. All the students had passed the national BECE certificate of education exam at the end of the JHS. This was such a huge achievement for these children, who had never even expected to finish primary school.
Awutu Winton School
We encouraged all of our students to take the entrance exam for the EDP Awutu-Winton high school. This is a private senior high school a couple of hours away from Saltpond, which is also funded by a small, UK-based charity and follows a very similar ethos to SEP.
Two of our students passed the tough entrance exams and have been attending EDP since September 2018. The rest of our graduates were allocated to various government senior high schools near Saltpond and continue to do well.
At SEP, we’re very aware that that three years of SHS might not be right for every student. So in 2021, we started a vocational apprenticeship scheme. We want to support our graduates to have lifelong skills and trades that will support them and their community, and eventually help to break the cycle of poverty. Our first cohort of 5 students are undertaking apprenticeships in cake making and floral decoration, welding, masonry and tailoring.